Benchmark Television: Monday, 22 February 2016
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Benchmark Television

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Dear Subscriber

1. We are delighted to present Paul Caporale, mediator, interviewed by Elizabeth Ramsay. Many practitioners have had the benefit of Paul’s vast experience and ability in presiding at mediations in which they are involved.

2. It is a very informative and important program for anybody involved in mediations.

3. You should watch on Wi-Fi to avoid excess data usage charges.

4. For Benchmark CLE subscribers we have prepared notes which we will forward to you at your request.

5. Become a foundation Benchmark CLE subscriber and claim your CLE points using the web based programs of Benchmark Television to 31 December 2016 for $330 (inclusive of GST). For this price you are effectively getting two years CLE.

6. To assist you in assessing your obligations and the CLE rules, Benchmark has prepared a national analysis of the rules: What are CLE/CPD Requirements.

7. Watch Benchmark CLE productions here.

Warm regards
Alan Conolly for Benchmark
ARC signature.
Benchmark Television
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Summaries With Link (Five Minute Read)