Daily Construction: Tuesday, 12 May 2015 View in browser

A daily Bulletin listing our choice of Decisions of Superior Courts of Australia.

Daily Construction

Executive Summary (One Minute Read)
Helti (Australia) Pty Ltd v Vulcan Steel Pty Ltd (VSC) - corporations - statutory demand - genuine disputes - statutory demand varied
Summaries With Link (Five Minute Read)
Helti Pty Ltd v Vulcan Steel Pty Ltd [2015] VSC 192
Supreme Court of Victoria
Efthim AsJ
Corporations - plaintiff sourced fabricated and installed steel products for building projects - defendant was supplier of steel to plaintiff - plaintiff sought to set aside statutory demand served on it by defendant for amount allegedly owing for goods sold and delivered to it - plaintiff asserted it had genuine disputes and off-setting claims - held: plaintiff had three genuine disputes in respect of amount of steel not supplied, amount overcharged by defendant and amount paid for steel - statutory demand varied.