Banking Friday, 27 March 2015 View in browser

A daily Bulletin listing our choice of Decisions of Superior Courts of Australia.


Executive Summary (One Minute Read)
Donoghue v Commissioner of Taxation (FCA) - income tax - assessments made with benefit of material provided by third party without permission - material subject to legal professional privilege - assessments quashed
Douglas v James (NSWSC) - wills and estates - appointer for capital protected trust did not have power to remove and appoint trustees
A v C (SASC) - judicial review - preliminary issue - meaning of contractor and public officer under Independent Commissioner Against Corruption Act 2012 (SA)
Commissioner of Highways v M & B Farmer Nominees Pty Ltd; Commissioner of Highways v Farmer No 2 Pty Ltd (SASC) - compulsory acquisition of land - companies entitled to interest on difference between total compensation and amount paid into Court
Summaries With Link (Five Minute Read)
Donoghue v Commissioner of Taxation [2015] FCA 235
Federal Court of Australia
Logan J
Income tax - legal professional privilege - applicant sought orders that assessments, which exposed him to multi-million dollar liability to Commonwealth, were invalid - audit and assessments made with benefit of material concerning applicant and other entities provided by third party without permission - held: third party working to or for legal firm with which applicant had retainer - material concerned subject to legal professional privilege - Commissioner had no right under ss166 or 263 Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 (Cth) to use material subject to legal professional privilege - auditor acted in wilful disregard of applicant’s right to claim legal professional privilege in respect of material - Commissioner’s process of assessment affected by conscious maladministration - assessments quashed.
Douglas v James [2015] NSWSC 299
Supreme Court of New South Wales
McDougall J
Wills and estates - proceedings concerning complex testamentary trusts created by deceased’s Will -  whether first defendant as “Appointor” for “Capital Protected Trust” (CPT) had power to remove and appoint trustees of CPT - construction of Will -  held: first defendant did not have power to remove plaintiffs as trustees and appoint others in their place - rectification of Will refused - plaintiffs entitled to declaratory relief sought - cross-summons failed.
A v C [2015] SASC 35
Supreme Court of South Australia
Blue J
Judicial review - contract - A and B sought relief in relation to investigation by Independent Commissioner Against Corruption under Independent Commissioner Against Corruption Act 2012 (SA) - preliminary issue - whether A was public officer performing work as contractor for public authority or Crown under the Act - held: A entered into contract Crown governing A’s appointment as Board member - contract renewed or extended thereafter counterparty to contract was Crown - contractor extended to person who performed work as member of government board pursuant to contract with Crown - A was contractor and thereby public officer within meaning of Act.
Commissioner of Highways v M & B Farmer Nominees Pty Ltd; Commissioner of Highways v Farmer No 2 Pty Ltd [2015] SASC 40
Supreme Court of South Australia
Blue J
Real property - compulsory acquisition of land - Commissioner of Highways compulsorily acquired land from companies - Commissioner offered compensation and paid sum into Court - parties agreed companies entitled to compensation in greater sum and transfer of surplus land - parties disagreed whether companies entitled to interest on the difference between total compensation and amount paid into Court - s33 Land Acquisition Act 1969 (SA) - held: on proper construction, interest was payable under s33 on difference between total compensation, whether in form cash or otherwise, and amount paid into Court.
Old Wine
by Margaret Widdemer
If I could lift
    My heart but high enough
    My heart could fill with love:
But ah, my heart
    Too still and heavy stays
    Too brimming with old days.
Margaret Widdemer