A daily Bulletin listing our choice of Decisions of Superior Courts of Australia.

Insurance, Banking, Construction & Government

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Executive Summary (One Minute Read)
Krok v Commissioner of Taxation (FCA) - legal professional privilege - waiver - applicant required to discover documents in disputed categories (I B)
Yara Pilbara Fertilisers Pty Ltd [formerly known as Burrup Fertilisers Pty Ltd] v Oswal (No 8) (FCA) - cross-vesting - Federal Court proceedings transferred to Supreme Court of Victoria (I B)
Agresta v Trustee of the property of F Agresta, a Bankrupt (FCA) - bankruptcy - trustee’s decision to reject proofs of debt upheld (B G)
Andtrust v Andreatta (NSWSC) - trusts and trustees - trustee’s power under trust deed to extend vesting date - declaration (B)
In the matter of Imperium Projects Pty Ltd (NSWSC) - corporations - derivative action - former director granted leave to bring proceedings on company’s behalf (B C)
Ckuj as trustee of the Jaroslaw Andrew Oryszkiewycz Halyckyj Permanent Charitable Fund v Attorney-General (NSW) (NSWSC) - trusts and trustees - order for establishment of administrative scheme for charitable trust (B)
Graham v Western Australian Planning Commission (WASCA) - costs - successful appeal from decision of SAT - question of costs of proceedings before SAT remitted to SAT (I C G)
Summaries With Link (Five Minute Read)
Krok v Commissioner of Taxation [2015] FCA 51
Federal Court of Australia
Wigney J
Privilege - Commissioner sought discovery of categories of documents - applicant opposed discovery of some categories on basis of legal professional privilege - Commissioner did not dispute documents caught by categories would attract legal professional privilege - Commissioner maintained documents discoverable because it had been impliedly waived- held: partial disclosure of advice provided to applicant, or disclosure of gist, substance or effect of it, was inconsistent with confidentiality that would otherwise attach to communications recording advice - privilege waived - applicant required to discover documents that fell within disputed categories.
Krok (I B)
Yara Pilbara Fertilisers Pty Ltd [formerly known as Burrup Fertilisers Pty Ltd] v Oswal (No 8) [2015] FCA 49
Federal Court of Australia
McKerracher J
Transfer of proceedings - applicant sought to transfer proceeding to be heard with two other proceedings in Supreme Court of Victoria - interlocutory application supported by various cross-respondents - ss1337H & 1337L Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) - s5(4) Jurisdiction of Courts (Cross-Vesting) Act 1987 (Cth) - held: all parties accepted interests of justice not served by separate proceedings in two courts dealing with overlapping issues - risks involved obvious potential for inconsistent factual findings and determinations - time, expenses and other resources would be wasted - Federal Court proceeding transferred to Supreme Court of Victoria pursuant to s1337H(2) Corporations Act.
Yara Pilbara Fertilisers Pty Ltd (I B)
Agresta v Trustee of the property of F Agresta, a Bankrupt [2015] FCA 46
Federal Court of Australia
Gleeson J
Bankruptcy - applicant bankrupt sought review of five decisions of trustee rejecting proofs of debt lodged respondents - applicant sought extension of time, and that trustee’s decisions be reversed or varied - ss104(1) & 104(2) Bankruptcy Act 1966 (Cth) - provable debts - contractual relations - ss82(1) & 102(1) - held: time for making application extended - trustees decisions to reject proofs confirmed.
Agresta (B G)
Andtrust v Andreatta [2015] NSWSC 38
Supreme Court of New South Wales
McDougall J
Equity – trusts and trustees - plaintiff was trustee appointed under deed of trust - vesting date defined as expiration of forty years from execution of deed - trustee sought declaration that its power under the deed to vary empowered it to extend vesting date but not so as to infringe rule against perpetuities - construction of deed - held: relief under s81 Trustee Act 1925 (NSW) not available - power to vary trusts set out in deed included power to vary them by extending time for which they were to enure - power could not operate to permit trustee to infringe rule against perpetuities, but that eventuality was covered by clause - declaration made as to trustee’s power under trust deed to extend vesting date.
Andtrust (B)
In the matter of Imperium Projects Pty Ltd [2015] NSWSC 16
Supreme Court of New South Wales
Black J
Corporations – derivative action - former director and current shareholder of first defendant company sought order under s237 Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) granting leave to bring proceedings on behalf of company for declarations that current directors contravened ss181 & 182, order that they compensate company for damage, and an order for an account of profits - best interests of company - serious questions to be tried - good faith - held: Court satisfied former director established it was in company’s best interests to bring proceedings in respect of some matters for which he sought leave to bring derivative claims.
 In the matter of Imperium Projects Pty Ltd (B C)
Ckuj as trustee of the Jaroslaw Andrew Oryszkiewycz Halyckyj Permanent Charitable Fund v Attorney-General (NSW) [2015] NSWSC 35
Supreme Court of New South Wales
Darke J
Trusts and trustees - plaintiffs were trustees of charitable trust established by trust deed - trustees sought order for settlement of administrative scheme in respect of trust - proposed scheme provided for trust deed to be treated as varied in respects falling into certain categories - Attorney-General regarded scheme was appropriate, subject to qualification concerning proposed changes to objects clause - ss6 & 13(2) Charitable Trusts Act 1993 (NSW) - held: Court satisfied insertion of words was a change which did not alter scope of objects of trust and fell within permissible scope of administrative scheme - order made for establishment of administrative scheme for charitable trust.
Ckuj as trustee of the Jaroslaw Andrew Oryszkiewycz Halyckyj Permanent Charitable Fund (B)
Graham v Western Australian Planning Commission [2014] WASCA 234
Court of Appeal of Western Australia
Martin CJ, Buss JA & Beech J
Costs – Court of Appeal concluded State Administrative Tribunal lacked jurisdiction to determine compensation payable for taking of lots – Court ordered application to strike out proceedings with respect to determination of compensation for taking of one lot be remitted to SAT - parties disagreed whether Court should make order with respect to costs of proceedings before SAT - held: Court should not exercise its power to make orders with respect to costs of proceedings before SAT - proceedings not completed - SAT not jurisdiction in which costs ordered as matter of course -contentious issues best determined by SAT rather than Court - respondent to pay appellants’ costs of appeal - question of costs of proceedings before SAT remitted to SAT.
Graham (I C G)